Wednesday, December 16, 2009


YAY- my absolutely favourite time in NYC is here....

My two favourite things about December are gift-giving and Christmas movies. In the past few weeks my girlfriend and I have already seen every holiday film involving Jim Henson or Bing Crosby...If you are also a fan The Tribeca Grand is continuing its Sunday movie screenings with holiday classics.

SCROOGED is this sunday 12/20 at 4pm
RSVP here

or at 630pm:
RSVP here

200 CIGARETTES plays next Sunday 12/27 at 4pm
RSVP here

or 630pm:
RSVP here

a pre-fixe brunch is available before the 4pm showing for 34.95 or you can opt for a 3-course dinner after the 6:30pm show.

for brunch or dinner reservations call 212-965-3565

Tribeca Grand Hotel
310 West Broadway
NY, NY 10013

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