Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to throw a geek-alicious bday party

Ok so as many of you may already know my partner in crime and love of my life is a bit of a Potter nerd. I scoffed at her HP fetish when we first started dating, but I have to admit, she's even managed to suck me into this crazy world of wizardry.

When Aug 16th was coming close I knew I had to do something above and beyond our usual fancy dinners and romantic outings...I had to get my geek on!

I rewatched a couple of the movies for the details need to make apartment into a mini Hogwarts. First I made an "invitation" back to school and placed it in my mailbox. I picked my lady up from the airport and when we arrived at my front gate I asked her to check the mail for me. She opened up the invite and was delighted. There were Hogwarts coloured balloons (maroon and gold) the whole way to my front door where we found a picture of the Fat Lady with a note addressed to Anne. The note said that her birthday celebration was in the "grand hall" (formally my dining room- complete with floating candles and broomstick- fishing wire does wonders, friends!!) and her presents were in "Diagon Alley," aka my fireplace

She loved it and said that the thought and crazy details (I even made licorice wands and butter beer. It turns out there are a lot of potter-geeks online with great recipes!) made this her favourite present.

And the added bonus: It was sooo much fun to plan and create! There is nothing better than surprising the one you love and thinking of new and creative ways to make her happy. I highly recommend finding the quirky little things your lady loves and making a super nerdy and sweet theme date out of them :)

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